Aikido and the Art of Negotiation

Maintain a calm center in situations rife with heated emotions. 

The martial art Aikido teaches certain principles of movement, balance, centering, and engagement that are particularly effective in resolving physical conflict in a non-violent fashion by accepting then redirecting the energy of an attack in a way that neutralizes the situation without harm.  The physical training is easily extended to lessons about conflict resolution, negotiation, and collaboration as it arises in our professional lives.

Suzane Van Amburgh and Greg Corbin have developed a program that opens people to experience the physical principles of Aikido and use that experience to explore how we handle ourselves in challenging situations at work.

Outcomes include:

  • Better decision making under fire.
  • Better management of time and prioritization of tasks.
  • Less burn out.
  • Better representation of the organization by maintaining a calm, cool and collected demeanor in heated situations.
  • Improved listening skills; more fruitful negotiations.

Portable program. Delivered at your site or ours. To schedule, contact: or

Aikido for Attorneys? Yes! This program is customizable and was presented at Stoel Rives LLP as part of their professional development program for attorneys new to the firm. Learn more…

Comments from past participants:

“This engaging, insightful and interactive workshop has definitely helped me increase my personal and professional success and satisfaction. Suzane and Greg kept it practical, applicable, and fun!”

“Yesterday was GRAND…  I think you and Greg have hit on something wonderful.”

“From a ‘global’ perspective, I sense that you are on to an idea of surprising potential.  That is, developing a tool/way to move us from focusing on the win/lose of separate egos, to seeing our individual selves in relationship. ”

“Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in the session yesterday.  24 hours later, I continue to think about the comment that to find balance, you have to lose it first.  It’s correlated to your maxim, fall down 7 times, get up 8.  That is exactly where I am in my life right now.”

“Thanks again for inviting me to your “Negotiation” workshop. I truly enjoyed it. I do want to acknowledge that the varied perspectives shared in the discussion helped me recognize and appreciate even more what I experienced during the workshop.”

Find your Space To Move® at Multnomah Aikikai

Multnomah Aikikai is located at 6415 SW Macadam Ave, Portland OR 97239

1 thought on “Aikido and the Art of Negotiation

  1. Pingback: Aikido for Attorneys? Yes! | Center Your Life

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